Part A. Pack of 5 liters.
Interfill 833 is an easily sandable finishing filler for use over Interfill 830 to correct minor surface defects before application of finishing coats.
* Fine grade extenders give extra smooth results
* Easy sanding
* Contrasting colour to Interfill 830
Interfill 833 may be applied by trowel, filling knife or fairing batten up to a thickness of 0.3 cm.
Colour: YAA813
Finish: Matt
Specific Gravity 0.83
Volume Solids 100%
Mixing Ratio 1:1 by volume (as supplied) Mix ratio by weight: 1.14 : 1 YAA813: YAA814
Converter/Curing Agent YAA814
Typical Shelf Life: 2 yrs
VOC (As Supplied) 76 g/lt
Unit Size: 5 Lt
10°C (50°F) 15°C (59°F) 23°C (73°F) 35°C (95°F)
Sandable 38 hrs 28 hrs 17 hrs 12 hrs
Pot Life 80 mins 70 mins 50 mins 30 mins
Substrate Temperature
10°C (50°F) 15°C (59°F) 23°C (73°F) 35°C (95°F)
Overcoated By Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Epoxy GP Coating 5 days Not Applicable 3 days Not Applicable 2 days Not Applicable 1 day Not Applicable
Interprime 820 5 days Not Applicable 3 days Not Applicable 2 days Not Applicable 1 day Not Applicable
Interprime 880 5 days Not Applicable 3 days Not Applicable 2 days Not Applicable 1 day Not Applicable
Interprotect 5 days Not Applicable 3 days Not Applicable 2 days Not Applicable 1 day Not Applicable
Interprotect (Professional) 5 days Not Applicable 3 days Not Applicable 2 days Not Applicable 1 days Not Applicable
Note: Once the time for sanding has been exceeded, all fillers should be sanded before overcoating to ensure good adhesion. A sanded filler may be left for a period up to 3 months before being overcoated with further epoxy filler or with Interprime 8-series. After 3 months the filler must then be re-sanded before overcoating.
In Good Condition: Wash with Super Cleaner, rinse with fresh water and allow to dry. Sweep blast or abrade with 180-280 grade paper.
In Poor Condition/Repairs: All previous coatings should be removed back to solid material and filled with Interfill 830.
INTERFILL 830 Sand with 80-180 grade (grit) paper.
BARE/ NATURAL GRP/COMPOSITE: Sand smooth with 120-180 grit paper. Remove all sanding residue using a clean air line and sweeping with a clean brush or broom. Vacuum clean for best results.
Method: Mix the two components thoroughly to an even colour. Remove any dust from the surface. Apply firmly in a spreading action. When hardened, sand smooth with 80-180 grit wet or dry paper. Interfill 833 may be overcoated with itself as soon as it has cured enough not to be lifted during the screeding process.
Useful Tips: Thinner International GTA220 for equipment cleaning only.
Ventilation and Humidity Control: Avoid conditions of low temperatures coupled with high humidity as this can result in the formation of a non-adherent contact surface which will need to be removed by detergent wash followed by fresh water rinse, or by sanding, prior to the application of any subsequent layers.
Other: Spread mix out on a board to avoid excess heat build up and to keep the working life as long as possible. To ensure good filling of minor pinholes and defects in the Interfill® 830, move the spreading blade backwards and then forwards over the area.
Some Important Points: Do not use unless mixed thoroughly with the curing agent at specified ratio. Do not apply more than recommended wet film thickness (WFT) at any one time. Do not use below 10°C/50°F. Product temperature should be minimum 10°C and maximum 35°C.
Substrate temperature should be minimum 10°C and maximum 35°C. Ambient temperature should be minimum 10°C and maximum 35°C. Do not thin. Do not wipe down cured filler with thinners/solvents.
Compatibility/Substrate:s Interfill 833 should be applied over cured, sanded epoxy fillers such as Interfill 830 or on cured GRP/Composite.
Number of Coats: As required
Coverage/spreading rate: (Theoretical) - 0.33 m²/lt @ 3mm/3000μm WFT
Recommended dry film thickness (DFT) per coat 3000 microns by trowel or paleltte knife.
Recommended wet film thickness (WFT) per coat 3000 microns by trowel or paleltte knife
Application Methods: Palette knife, trowel
Exposure to air and extremes of temperature should be avoided. For full shelf life of this product, ensure that the container is firmly closed between uses and the temperature is between 5°C/41°F and 35°C/95°F. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Interfill 833 should be kept in securely closed containers during transport and storage.
Read the label safety section for Health and Safety Information.
Do not discard tins or pour paint into water courses, use the facilities provided. It is best to allow paints to harden before disposal.
Remainders of Interfill 833 cannot be disposed of through the municipal waste route or dumped without permit. Disposal of remainders must be arranged for with local authorities.
IMPORTANT NOTES: The information given in this sheet is not intended to be exhaustive. Any person using the product without first making further enquiries as to the suitability of the product for the intended purpose does so at his own risk.
1Listing:€455.72Price:€341.80You Save:€113.92 (25%)Interfill 833 is a stucco finish, easy to sand for use over Interfill 830 to correct minor imperfections before applying the finishing coats. Easy to sand. Interfill 833 may be applied by trowel, hand or stick to a thickness of 0.3 cm.